
Alastaro Endurance Cup 15.9.2024

Written by Sontek Racing | Sep 23, 2024 12:05:54 PM

For the first time this season, we entered the race with three cars

Division of teams and cars:

Car 713/4:
-    Atte Kekkonen
-    Pasi Saarimaa
-    Miko Kiiskinen
-    Ville Tuominen
-    Anna Palander

Car 813:
-    Mikko Toivonen
-    Petri Kiikka
-    Jani Turunen
-    Jenni Silventoinen

Car 913:
-    Jyrki Laune
-    Tino Lainisalo
-    Jupe Arala
-    Antti Heiskanen

Sunday traditionally started with a drivers meeting followed by the warm-up. The track was still wet after the heavy rains of the previous day, but the drivers got a good feel for the cars. Car 713 had been restored after the flip in Kemora in the spring, and would now be in the race for the first time. During practice, car 713 spun and ended up on its roof again. This car certainly hasn’t been born under the lucky stars 😬.   

In qualifying, car 813 in gridded 14th, car 913 in 16th and car 4 in 26th. There were more participants than at any time this season, a total of 32 teams. 

All 32 cars started from their screens for the 6-hour race. #813 About half of the first stint had passed when a strange rattle began to be heard from the car. The car was pitted for the driver change and checked for serous problems. This, of course, took some of the precious time. Nothing special was found in the car, so the race continued without repairs. #913 led the race nicely for a long time, but with the last driver change, the car had to have one of the rear tires replaced, which again took a toll on time and laps. 

Car #4 also had to change its rear brake pads in the middle of the race. After all, the car had been taken to patch up the car 713 that ended up on its roof. Despite everything, all three cars made it to the finish line nicely. For Sontek racing, celebrated a double victory with 813 wins (4th overall) and 913 for second. Car 4 fought magnificently for fourth place in the class! Despite the small challenges, it was a great race day and the teams of all three cars worked well together and drove great performances. This is a good starting point for the last race of the season at Botniaring.

The Endurance Cup continues with the final race of the season on 28.9.  in Botniaring.